Introducing the Recreation Therapy Assistant Gerontology Certificate Program

Therapeutic Recreation is a health care profession that utilizes a therapeutic process, involving leisure, recreation and play as a primary tool for each individual to achieve their highest level of independence and quality of life. Graduates of the Recreation Therapy Assistant program with a specialization in Gerontology work in a variety of health care settings.  Developed using the standards within the Essential Competency Framework for Therapeutic Recreation as a guide, the curriculum articulates the competencies necessary to practice as a Recreation Therapy Assistant Professional in Ontario.

• RTA’S work under the direction of a Recreation Therapist to deliver recreation therapy services.
• RTA’s assist in the delivery of goal-oriented programs and services to meet the leisure-related needs of clients.
• RTA’s work alongside the therapist(s) and contribute to the continuum of therapeutic services.
• The two main responsibilities of the RTA include program development and program delivery as well as program observation and reporting, in addition to non-direct client activities.
• RTA’s provide input, which will enable the Recreation Therapist to conduct assessments, develop intervention plans or evaluate a client’s progress in relation to the intervention plan.
• RTA’s will practice in accordance with the Standards of Practice set out by TRO.
• The standards of Practice reflect the major functions and competencies for effective performance.
• RTA’s must also perform in accordance with the mission, vision, values, and philosophy of the organization they are employed with.

Are you interested in more information about the Recreation Therapy Assistant Gerontology Certificate Program? Email Jerry at or call Jerry at 905-906-3706.


Jerry Bishop

Private Career College Consultant since 2004

Business Assessment Solutions Inc.



Personal Support Worker Certificate Program eSSential Curriculum Toolkit

Personal Support Worker Subject Specific Standard; The approved training standard for all Personal Support Worker programs of instruction (Ontario Qualifications Framework – Certificate lll level) delivered by Private Career Colleges of Ontario. Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities October 2014

Vocational Standard

“All graduates of Personal Support Worker programs have achieved the fourteen (14) vocational learning outcomes (VLOs) listed in the following pages, in addition to achieving the essential employability skills (EES) learning outcomes.

The Personal Support Worker (PSW) program prepares graduates to provide supportive care* to individuals across the lifespan including clients experiencing cognitive impairment, physical disability, and mental health challenges, by assisting them with their activities of daily living. Graduates may find entry-level employment in a variety of care settings including community, retirement homes, long-term care homes, and hospitals.

As valuable members of the interprofessional care/service team, graduates develop effective working relationships with team members and participate in the delivery, reporting, and documentation of care as directed by the plan of care/service plan.

Graduates use basic assessment and communication skills to identify and document relevant information pertaining to clients’ status and report findings to members of the interprofessional care/service team* and/or responsible person.

Graduates are accountable for their own actions in the provision of ethical, client-centered, client-directed* and culturally relevant* care while recognizing the limits of their knowledge and skills that require collaboration with clients, families, supervisors and/or other members of the interprofessional care/service team.

Graduates work in accordance with all applicable legislation and employer’s policies, procedures and guidelines while contributing to safe, quality client care.

Graduates use effective communication skills and develop helping relationships* with clients and their families and assist clients with routine activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living as directed by the plan of care/service plan.

Graduates promote a safe and comfortable environment for all clients and in particular for clients experiencing responsive behaviours, the risk for abuse and/or clients requiring end-of-life care* while ensuring safe environments for themselves and others.”

Are you interested in learning more about the Personal Support Worker curriculum? Connect with Jerry at 905-906-3706 or email Jerry at

Ontario Qualifications Framework Overview

The Ontario Qualifications Framework includes all non-religious postsecondary certificate, diploma and degree programs offered under the auspices of the Province of Ontario, including apprenticeship certificates, the qualifications awarded by private career colleges, the qualifications awarded by public colleges, and degrees offered by public universities and institutions authorized to award degrees by a consent of the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities of Ontario.

Note: The Ontario Qualifications Framework will be phased in over a period of time in the private career college sector.

Do you require assistance in determining which credential is right for your program? Connect with Jerry at or by phone at 905-906-3706.

Recreation Therapy Gerontology Diploma Program Distance Education Approved for Native Education & Training College in North Bay, ON!

The Superintendent of Colleges and Universities (Private Career Colleges Branch) approved the Recreation Therapy Gerontology Diploma Program (Distance Education) for delivery at Native Education & Training College (North Bay, ON) on Thursday, January 16, 2020. The program is the first of its kind within the Private Career College sector.

Therapeutic Recreation is a health care profession that utilizes a therapeutic process, involving leisure, recreation and play as a primary tool for each individual to achieve their highest level of independence and quality of life.

Graduates of the Recreation Therapy specializing in Gerontology work in a variety of health care settings. Developed using the standards within the Essential Competency Framework for Therapeutic Recreation the curriculum articulates the competencies necessary to practice as a Therapeutic Recreation Professional in Ontario.

For more information in bringing this program to your Private Career College in ON, please connect with Jerry at or call 905-906-3706.

PARIS ~ Program and Registration Information System Launches Today ~February 4, 2019

Extracted from the PARIS Reference Guide for Applicants/Registrants February 2019 The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

The Program Approval and Registration Information System (PARIS) is a public-facing secure web application used to support the administration of a Private Career College (PCC) under the authority of the Private Career Colleges Act and its regulations.

PARIS is used to complete various applications and perform functions relating to registering and operating a PCC, allowing a user to:

  • Pre-screen a program.
  • Request a Business Name Approval.
  • View an orientation video about the PCC registration process and requirements.
  • Apply for registration to operate a PCC.
  • Obtain third-party program assessments.
  • Make online fee payments by credit card or Interac Online.
  • Post financial security or modify existing financial security.
  • Apply for new program approval.
  • Copy a program from campus to campus.
  • Purchase or franchise a program from a registered PCC.
  • Apply for registration of a new campus.
  • Search for information about your PCC Portfolio.
  • Submit inquiries to the Private Career Colleges Branch (PCCB).
  • View and respond to compliance activities including registration conditions, inspection reports, etc.

Once an application is submitted, a user can also:

  • Check the status of an application.
  • Send updates.
  • Withdraw an application.

Once a certificate of registration has been issued, applicants, now called “registrants” can use PARIS to:

  • Make Training Completion Assurance Fund (TCAF) premium payments.
  • Renew a registration.
  • Submit a change request to update organizational, campus and/or program information including
  • ownership change, change of location, fee increases, etc.

Do need help with PARIS navigation? Email or text or call Jerry at 905-906-3706


PCCs must address all non-compliance issues.


Open the issue: Method 1:

(1) Open the inspection report (see the previous section in the PARIS guide and previous blog post on the inspection process in PARIS).
The Compliance Issue(s) section lists the outstanding compliance issues.
(2) Click select. The Compliance Issue(s) Details page appears

Open the issue: Method 2:

(1) Click inspection.
(2) Click the Search Compliance Issue link.
(3) Click search. The compliance issues appear at the bottom of the page.
(4) Click the blue Compliance Issue ID link. The Compliance Issue(s) Details page appears

2. Respond to the issue:
2.1. Enter the Resolution to Compliance Issue.
2.2. Click save and next. The Supporting Documents page appears.
2.3. You can upload a document to support the issue resolution. See Uploading a Document starting on page 13.
2.4. Click next. The Compliance Issue Summary page appears.

3. You can enter a Comment then click save.

4. When you are finished responding to the inspection report, click submit. A confirmation message appears.

5. Click exit. The status of the changed issue updates to “Under Review” (found in the Waiting for Response section.)

In the previous process when “responding to an inspection report findings”, PCCs responded in writing via mail or email attachment. The current PARIS process of responding to inspection will streamline and enhance the efficiency of documentation.

Do you have a question about navigating PARIS? Email or text or call Jerry at 905-906-3706.


Part of a PCC registration, a new campus registration, or change of location application review process is an inspection of the premises where the vocational program(s) is to be delivered. This inspection is arranged directly with the applicant/campus administrator ahead of time.

While on site and based on the inspection type, PCC Branch Inspectors assigned to the PCC portfolio complete a thorough review and report on the facility. An inspection checklist is completed and the form is signed electronically by the campus administrator to confirm the completion of a site visit by the inspector.

The PCC is emailed when the inspection report is available for their review and action. If the report identifies any compliance issues, directions, and timelines, the organization must respond to the compliance issues in PARIS. Failure to satisfy the compliance issues may result in the organization registration, campus registration, or change of location application being rejected or refused.

Compliance inspections are also conducted to assess a registered private career college’s compliance with recordkeeping and maintenance requirements set out by the Act; however, this type of inspection is not scheduled or announced beforehand.

Opening an Inspection Report

Opening an inspection report from the email:

  1. You will be emailed a notification if a compliance issue is found during an inspection. Click on the link in the email then log in to PARIS.
  2. From the Ministry Decision section, locate the application with the status: “Inspection Closed”.
  3. Click View. The Inspection Details page appears.
  4. Click View Inspection Report. The Inspection Summary page appears.

Opening an inspection report from PARIS:

  1. Click inspection.
  2. Click the Search Inspection link. The Search By page appears.
  3. Click search. The search results appear below the search criteria.
  4. Click the blue Inspection ID link. The Compliance Inspection Summary page appears.
  5. Click show details.

What’s changed from the previous inspection process?

Once the inspection was complete and the findings prepared, PCCs received an email and attachment of the report from their inspector. The process of accessing all PCC correspondence in PARIS will streamline and keep records of the inspection process.

Extracted from the PARIS Reference Guide for Applicants / Registrants

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Do you have a question about navigating PARIS. Email or call or text Jerry at 905-906-3706


Revising an Application that is “Under Review”

If you want to make a change to an application whose status is “Under Review,” you must submit an inquiry to the Ministry requesting to have a section of an application opened for revision. Indicate which section(s) of the application you want to change as part of the inquiry. For instructions on sending an inquiry about an application, see page 21 in the reference guide.

If the application status is not “Under Review,” edits can be made at any time.

  1. Access the Application Summary page. Only sections with a Revise link are editable.
  2. Click Revise. A message appears.
  • Make the changes then click submit.

Making Revisions Requested by the Ministry

You will be notified by email if the Ministry requires more information or a revision.

  1. Click on the link in the email, then log in to PARIS.
  • From the To-Do section open the application with the “Incomplete” status.
  • The applicable Summary page appears.
  • Click show details. The application expands.
  • The unlocked sections of the application can be identified by a Revise link.

5.1. Click Revise. The section opens.

5.2. Make the change(s).

5.3. It is a good idea to add comments.

5.4. Click the Summary link. The Summary page appears.

5.5. Click submit. A confirmation message appears.

5.6. Click I agree.  A notification is emailed to you.


When an application was under review in the RICC system, the school received a list of questions and deficiencies via email.  The RICC system application was placed “in progress,” and schools needed to navigate through all areas of RICC and update the various pieces. Also, the school received a list of outstanding documents required in support of the application; these would need to be sent into the inspector and matched with the RICC application.  The process was a highly labour intensive.  If the subsequent submission did not meet all requirements, a list of remaining deficiencies was recorded and shared with the PCC to continue to update the application.

The process in PARIS directs the school’s attention to the specific areas within the application that require additional information and response.  The remaining pieces of the application are locked enabling school’s to focus on the issues identified directly. 

Extracted from the PARIS Reference Guide for Applicants / Registrants

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Do you have a question in navigating PARIS? Email or call or text Jerry at 905-906-3706.

If you want to make a change to an application whose status is “Under Review,” you must submit an inquiry to the Ministry requesting to have a section of an application opened for revision. Indicate which section(s) of the application you want to change as part of the inquiry. For instructions on sending an inquiry about an application, see page 21 in the reference guide.

If the application status is not “Under Review,” edits can be made at any time.

  1. Access the Application Summary page. Only sections with a Revise link are editable.
  2. Click Revise. A message appears.
  • Make the changes then click submit.

Making Revisions Requested by the Ministry

You will be notified by email if the Ministry requires more information or a revision.

  1. Click on the link in the email, then log in to PARIS.
  • From the To-Do section open the application with the “Incomplete” status.
  • The applicable Summary page appears.
  • Click show details. The application expands.

5.1. Click Revise. The section opens.

5.2. Make the change(s).

5.3. It is a good idea to add comments.

5.4. Click the Summary link. The Summary page appears.

5.5. Click submit. A confirmation message appears.

5.6. Click I agree.  A notification is emailed to you.

Revising an Application that is not “Under Review.”

If the application status is not “Under Review,” edits can be made at any time.


When an application was under review in the RICC system, the school received a list of questions and deficiencies via email.  The RICC system application was placed “in progress,” and schools needed to navigate through all areas of RICC and update the various pieces. Also, the school received a list of outstanding documents required in support of the application; these would need to be sent into the inspector and matched with the RICC application.  The process was a highly labour intensive.  If the subsequent submission did not meet all requirements, a list of remaining deficiencies was recorded and shared with the PCC to continue to update the application.

The process in PARIS directs the school’s attention to the specific areas within the application that require additional information and response.  The remaining pieces of the application are locked enabling school’s to directly focus on the issues identified. 

Extracted from the PARIS Reference Guide for Applicants / Registrants

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Do you have a question in navigating PARIS? Email or call or text Jerry at 905-906-3706.


Paying a Fee

Fee payment can be made online via E-transfer or credit card. You can also pay by certified cheque, money order or bank draft. However, these methods of payment will increase processing time.

Paying by Credit Card

 Your credit card information is not stored by the Ministry.

  1. From the Application Fees page, select the page expands.

2. Click continue with E-Transfer/Credit Card. The Order Summary page appears.

3. Select the Credit Card radio button.

4. Click make a payment. The bank link page appears.

This process can take 15 to 45 seconds. Do not stop, click the button again or reload your browser until the process is finished.

5. Enter your credit card information. Be sure to follow the methodology for the entries.

6. Click submit payment. The Payment Receipt page appears.

7. Print a copy of the receipt for your records. Click print.

8. Click complete payment option. The application is moved to the Waiting for Response section in your dashboard.

Paying by E-transfer

 Paying by E-transfer is currently not available.

Paying by Certified Cheque or Bank Draft

  1. Obtain your certified cheque, money order or bank draft from your financial institution. (You will be required to enter information about your payment). The cheque/draft must be made payable to the “Minister of Finance.”

2. From the Application Fees page, select the payment method (Bank Draft, Money Order or Certified Cheque). The page expands.

(Sample certified cheque page)

3. Enter the payment information. If you are paying with multiple cheques, enter all the cheque numbers.

4. Click fee form. Click open. The Application Fee Form appears.

5. Print a copy of the form: From your browser select File > Print > Print.

6. Click submit. A confirmation message appears. Your application moves to the Waiting for Response section.

7. Mail a copy of the fee form and your cheque/money order/ bank draft to the Ministry. See the bottom of the form for the Ministry’s mailing address.

Your application will not be reviewed until the certified cheque/money order /bank draft is received by the Ministry.


Previously, upon submission of an application for registration and or program application, the RICC system produced a fee.  School’s were required to submit a certified cheque or money order via mail to the Ministry.  PCCs were unable to pay their submission via a credit card, so their application did not move to the queue for processing until the payment was received. 

In the current process with PARIS, the payment is immediate when using a credit card.   

Extracted from the PARIS Reference Guide for Applicants / Registrants

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Do you have a question in navigating PARIS? Email or call or text Jerry at 905-906-3706.


On the launch of PARIS February 4, 2019, the reference guide will appear via the following link:

“The PARIS Reference Guide explains PARIS functionality in detail for both registrants and applicants. In addition, guidelines embedded in PARIS explain how to submit applications and perform other system functions. ”

Extracted from the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities January 28, 2019 memo.

Do you have questions about PARIS? Email or call or text Jerry at 905-906-3706.